1. What is ShorePiks and how does it work?
    • ShorePiks is an independently operated, monthly subscription service that provides daily updates and insight into the world of Sports Betting, Cryptocurrency, and the Stock Market. By subscribing to any, or all, of our premium services, you will receive our insight via our Discord

     2. Why should I pay for your services? 

    • While your hard earned money is yours to do with as you please, we at ShorePiks strongly believe that our expertise and analytics are well worth the investment. Remember, when you make money, we make money!        

     3. How do I pay for your services and become a VIP?

    • Once you join our Discord, you can access the "Sever Shop" where you can purchase any of our Monthly Subscriptions to access exclusive insight and analysis. 
    • All transactions are final and are performed through Discord.
    • ShorePiks does not have access to anyone's payment information and all disputes must be handled with Discord.